Alison and I went for a walk with our little boys this evening and it was absolutely beautiful. Although I talk a lot about how I would like to live in the desert or up high in the Rocky Mountains, there are times when I deeply appreciate the flat lands. The corn and beans are almost ready to be harvested and right now they are giving off a scent that is almost intoxicating. No, as much as I hate to say it, the smell
is intoxicating. I can't even describe it other than to say that when you smell it in the cool of the evening it smells like all the black dirt and sunshine and fertility of these plains has been sprayed into the air. It's as if the corn stalks were geysers and all year long pressure has been building until this time of year when it explodes forth from the earth and fills the air with the smell of life and sublime goodness.
After smelling that smell, all I can say is, "Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!"
Amen. I've travelled quite a bit and smells evoke a lot of remembrances. There is nothing on earth like the smell of the desert creosote after a summer rain. The firmament declareth the glory of God.