My wife and I had a very short courting period before we were engaged (no sense in beating around the bush, right?). Anyway, after we had been engaged for some time, she told me that the one thing that turned her off on me when we were first getting to know each other was that I told her I had no ambition in life. Now I suppose that wasn't an entirely true statement; I do have ambitions, I just set the bar really low. All I've ever wanted out of life was to get married, buy a little house, have a job where I could provide for my family, and to own a dog or three. Anything else that comes along is just icing on the cake.
I know my stance on ambition runs contrary to that of most younger people in our country. When I was in Bible College, the unspoken assumption was that everyone who was there was going to go out and set the world on fire and be the next pop-Christian celebrity by virtue of their wisdom and great feats of social justice. I have to admit that in my pride and delusion, I entertained such thoughts as well. But those thoughts were so graciously dashed to pieces after I spent a couple months interning in a small church. In my short experience with ministry, it seems to me that this job will either quickly humble a person or will pour fuel on the fires of their delusion and turn them into more of a tyrant than a minister of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Don't get me wrong, I long for the coming of the Kingdom. As often as I pray, I pray for God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (italics mine). I know He uses the Church to accomplish that will and I know that it is in the Church where we find the fullest expression of the Kingdom here on earth. To that end, I will do my work to the best of my abilities and I will seek to foster a sense of expectancy both in myself and in those to whom I minister, knowing that the Holy Spirit works through us, unworthy as we might be.
But at the end of the day, it's His Kingdom I seek, not my own. So I make it a discipline to check my ambitions at the door. I have a wonderful wife, I own a house, I have more than one dog, hopefully come Monday I will have a garden planted. I already consume and have so much more than I would ever need that to aspire to more would be gluttony. Will God use my work and bless it to the advancement of His Kingdom? I believe He will. Am I going to be fool enough to tell Him how best to do that? Well that's what makes beating down my ambitions a discipline, doesn't it?
Anyway, all that is to say I do have a dream, a grand goal I aspire to in my life. I've had this goal for a long time now. It's probably started as a seed planted deep in my spirit and that seed was watered and began to grow after I learned about Ramblin' Jack Elliott and watched the documentary movie about his life.
Before I die, I hope to walk across the country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, just for the experience of it. This morning I read about someone who just a year or so older than me who is doing this! Too cool! Here's his blog:
Who knows, maybe I'll bump into you on the road some day :)
Mary the Law Breaker
13 years ago
at the end of the day, it's His Kingdom I seek, not my own.... Man, we need a poster made out of that. There's a LOT to be said for unnoticed humble service and a simple life. That's a higher ambition than saving the world.